Home > WWDC 2004 > Blogging from Apple's WWDC Campus Bash.

Blogging from Apple's WWDC Campus Bash.

I’ve finally gotten there. Roughly ten years after I thought “Y’know, it’d be cool to actually *be* there,” I’m sitting on the inner courtyard lawn of One Infinite Loop, AKA The Mothership.

I’ll say this: Apple throws one hell of a party. Jimmy Eat World‘s here in concert. They also carded before going in. Those over 21 with ID to prove it got armbands for the free beer and wine. It’s giving me a weird sense of deja-vu, like I’ve somehow gone back to college. Heh. I’m even doing what I’d be doing at a similar event in college if I could have: surfing, and checking my email. Blogging’s new, as is the wireless networking, but not the essence.

I also went shopping at The Company Store, Apple’s store. They were running a sale on iPods (have mine, thanks) and iSights. I bought a nice button-down casual shirt for $30.00, which I thought was quite reasonably priced, some things for my guys back in Bethesda, and some Firewire and USB cables that unspool from a housing, then retract back when you’re finished.

Not much else going on. I’m watching people dance, talk, network, and generally have a good time. Time to go join them.

Categories: WWDC 2004
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