
Archive for May, 2004

Al Gore has gone straight round the bend.

May 28, 2004 Leave a comment

I voted for Al Gore in 2000. I was desperately disappointed in his loss to Bush then, and hoped (maybe) he’d run again in 2004. I generally thought he was a good guy; a little off in his environmentalism, but generally a good guy and a good leader.

Now, I wouldn’t vote for him to be dog-catcher.

The Boston Herald says it much better than I ever could on its editorial page.


How dare Al Gore disgrace this nation
By Boston Herald editorial staff
Friday, May 28, 2004

He never mentioned Nicholas Berg. Or Daniel Pearl. Or a single person killed in the World Trade Center. Nor did former Vice President Al Gore talk of any soldier by name who has given his life in Iraq. And he has the audacity to condemn the Bush administration for having “twisted values?”

     Gore spent the bulk of a speech before the liberal group Wednesday bemoaning Abu Ghraib and denouncing President Bush’s departure from the “long successful strategy of containment.”

     Yes, the very same strategy that, under Gore’s leadership, allowed al-Qaeda operatives to plan the horror of Sept. 11 for years, while moving freely within our borders.

     Gore even had the audacity to defend the perpetrators of the prison abuse – by name – while denouncing President Bush for “humiliating” our nation.

     How dare he. How dare a former vice president of the United States go beyond disagreeing with the current president’s policies – a right of anyone in this free country – and denounce Bush as “incompetent.”

     How dare Gore say that Americans have an “innate vulnerability to temptation… to use power to abuse others.” And that our own “internal system of checks and balances cannot be relied upon” to curb such abuse.

     And this man – who apparently has so much disdain for the nature of the American people – wanted to be elected to lead it?

     It is Gore who has brought dishonor to his party and to his party’s nominee. The real disgrace is that this repugnant human being once held the second highest office in this great land.

Categories: Personal

Buying a house.

May 26, 2004 Leave a comment

I’ve been offline quite a while with my blogging. Part of the reason is because work’s been crazy, but another part is that I’m working on buying a house. Not just any house, mind, but a fabulous two story, three bedroom, three and a half bath, full basement, backyard, a-room-that-I-can-convert-to-a-server-room-oh-frabjous-joy! house.

All for the low-low price of “Good God, this would be unthinkably expensive where I used to live! Then again, this is the DC suburbs. Whatta deal!” Yeah, it’s more than I’ve ever paid for anything, including the previous house in Philly. But for DC, it’s darn near miraculous for what what I’m getting.

Closing is tomorrow night at seven. Hopefully, nothing happens at the last minute to screw up the deal.

Categories: Personal

<lj user="poppy_girl"> is in Atlanta and I'm sick as a dog.

My planned day of recuperation from the rather bad cold I’m currently suffering through had been Sunday. Sasser put that plan on hold, as work put out an all-hands call to get the PCs patched. Instead, I took off today to recuperate, which is one of the better ideas I’ve had in a while.

In other news, is off in Atlanta on a business trip. She called today to let me know that she got there OK and that her boss is taking her off shopping since they had some down time.

Moment of Zen

Father’s Pardon Saves Prince from Execution

Categories: Personal