
Archive for February, 2007

Brazil vs Argentina in pictures.

February 27, 2007 Leave a comment

Before a recent soccer match between Argentina and Brazil (an archrivalry), an Argentinean condom company posted an ad to let the Brazilians know what will presumably happen to them at the upcoming bout. The ad’s mildly NSFW, so I’m posting it below the jump.

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Categories: Personal

If the US Interstate system was instead a subway system….

February 8, 2007 1 comment

A seldom-mentioned fact about the London Underground maps is that they aren’t drawn geographically. They’re instead a wonderfully simplified look at a very complex system.

Underground Map

underground map net

Actual geographic layout of the London Underground


What if the US Interstate road system was instead a subway? Would we stick with the geographical reality for our maps of the system?


Or would we instead also simplify and take a page from the British? (Nifty graphic from


Categories: Geeky