Home > AutoPkg, Mac administration, macOS > Signing AutoPkg-built packages using a .sign recipe

Signing AutoPkg-built packages using a .sign recipe

For those that need to sign their AutoPkg-generated installer packages with a signing certificate, the PkgSigner processor is available to assist with this. When I originally started using this processor, I was building the signing part directly into .pkg recipes, but my teammate @jaharmi came up with a better and more modular idea: the .sign recipe.

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The .sign recipe uses the PkgSigner processor and is designed to be placed in the AutoPkg workflow between a .pkg recipe and a.jss recipe for JSSImporter, a .munki recipe for Munki or other recipes used to upload an installer package to a deployment tool. In this case, the .pkg recipe would be a parent recipe for the .sign recipe. In turn, the .sign recipe would be used as the parent recipe for whatever came next in the workflow.

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For those who want to use .sign recipes, there is an example recipe available via the link below:


If you want to use the PkgSigner processor hosted from my AutoPkg recipe repo, first verify that AutoPkg is installed on the Mac you’re using. Once verified, run the following command:

autopkg repo-add rtrouton-recipes
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